William Morales can pinpoint the moment he wanted to become a Landscape Architect. After finishing his undergraduate degree in architecture, William took a trip to Spain. “It was the catalyst that created passion for landscape architecture. When I saw those parks, gardens, plazas and streetscapes everything playing in harmony, I knew I wanted to be a Landscape Architect.” After this trip, William returned to Polytechnic University to get his Masters in Landscape Architecture. He then moved onto a second Masters at Ball State University in Urban Design. William used this as a guide to his work. Originally from Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico, William spends his days wandering Portland and picking up biographies on urban theorists at Powell’s.

William Morales
Associate, Landscape Designer
Master of Urban Design and Architecture
Ball State University
Master of Landscape Architecture
Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico
Bachelor of Architecture
Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico
Selected Projects
UC Santa Cruz Kresge College RenovationUC San Diego Pepper Canyon Neighborhood Study
UC Santa Cruz Student Housing West
Wilsonville High School Performing Arts Center
Athey Creek Middle School