The Astoria Development Commission, City of Astoria, and Port of Astoria have partnered with a team led by Walker Macy to establish a Waterfront Master Plan, a long-term vision that will promote vibrant mixed-use development, leveraging strategic public investments and policy initiatives that set the stage for substantial new private development. We consider Astoria’s waterfront to be a place of statewide and national significance. Its founding at the confluence of the Columbia River’s converge with the Pacific Ocean marks one of the most dramatic and powerful natural locations in North America. Astorians have long embraced this setting as a place of industry, commerce and of building community. The City has successfully aided redevelopment of portions of the waterfront adjacent to the downtown core into a mix of uses, amenities, and destinations This project focuses on the Port’s property, which has traditionally been utilized for water-dependent commercial and industrial uses such as fish processing, shipping, and commerce. With recent changes in industry and trade, this site is now poised to re-invent itself again to be a place of employment, a place that embodies the city’s character and a location for all Astorians.
Astoria Waterfront Master Plan
New Commission